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What are the two effects of a failed resource in the service group configuration below? (Select two.)

A. Any resource fault leads to a faulted state for the resource.
B. Any resource fault leads to the service group failing over.
C. Any resource fault leads to the service group being taken offline.
D. Any resource fault leaves the service group partially online.
E. Any resource fault leaves the service group fully online.
Correct Answer: BC
Which attributes are required for configuring the Oracle agent for Veritas Cluster Server?
A. SID, DBAUser, EnvFile
B. SID, DBAUser, DBAPword
C. SID, Owner, Home
D. SID, DBAUser, Owner
Correct Answer: C
Which two requirements must be met to allow an administrator to configure LLT heartbeats over UDP? (Select two.)
A. the LLT private links must be on the same subnet
B. each NIC must have an IP address configured before configuring LLT
C. the maximum transmission unit (MTU) must be set to the lowest value supported by the NICs
D. each link must have a unique UDP port
E. broadcast must be enabled for the heartbeat subnet
Correct Answer: BD
Veritas Cluster Server supports the Intelligent Monitoring Framework (IMF) which assists clustered environments by
reducing polling overhead and failure detected times. Which two agents are IMF aware? (Select two.)
A. DiskGroup
E. Process
Correct Answer: AD
On the TriggerPath service group attribute value for the websg service, the group is set to bin/websg for cluster nodes where
the websg service group can be online. Where will Veritas Cluster Server look for the pre-online event trigger if the preonline event trigger is also enabled on all cluster systems for the websg service group?
A. $VCS_HOME/preonline/triggers/bin/websg
B. $VCS_HOME/bin/websg/preonline
C. $VCS_HOME/bin/websg/internal_triggers
D. $VCS_HOME/preonline/bin/websg
Correct Answer: B
Which requirement must an administrator meet prior to implementing an InfoScale Availability cluster that includes both
physical and virtual machines?
A. ensure all systems in the cluster have access to virtualized storage devices
B. ensure shared storage supports SCSI3 persistent reservations
C. ensure shared storage supports multi-pathing
D. ensure the systems in the SystemList for a service group have access to the same shared storage devices
Correct Answer: B
As part of the consolidation efforts in a data center, the administrator decides to merge two two-node Veritas Cluster
Server (VCS) clusters into a four-node VCS cluster. The source and target clusters are on the same networks for LLT
communication. The administrator performs the following tasks as preparation for the merge while both clusters are still
modifies /etc/llttab files on the source cluster systems so the cluster-ID is changed to the cluster-ID of the target cluster
modifies /etc/llthosts files on all systems to include the four nodes modifies /etc/grab tab files on all systems to require the
four systems to seed ensure the source cluster systems can see the fencing disks used by the target cluster copies the
fencing configuration files from the target cluster systems to the source cluster systems adds the source cluster systems
to the target cluster configuration using the hasys –add command
After the preparation is complete, the administrator stops the source cluster leaving the applications running, then stops
the whole communication stack and restarts it in the correct order. When the administrator attempts to start the cluster
again on the source cluster systems, they fail to join the four-node cluster.
Which preparation step that the administrator failed to perform is preventing the source cluster systems from joining the
four-node cluster?
A. The cluster needs to be manually seeded using grab config -x on the source cluster systems.
B. The target is the file needs to be copied to the source cluster systems.
C. The service group configuration of the source cluster needs to be applied to the target cluster.
D. The cluster UUID from the target cluster needs to be copied to the source cluster.
Correct Answer: D
An administrator wants to make a new application highly available.
Which two capabilities must the application have to be managed to be Veritas Cluster Server? (Select two.)
A. the ability to monitor each instance of the application independently.
B. the ability to be installed on shared storage
C. the ability to determine if the application is running
D. the ability to notify the administrator of the application\’s state
E. the ability to disconnect users from the application
Correct Answer: AC
What are the two resource types that Proxy resources can reference? (Select two.)
C. Mount
E. ElifNone
Correct Answer: AB
Refer to the exhibit.
The exhibit shows an N-to-1 cluster configuration, in which nodes are connected to storage devices via dual-hosted
SCSI cables.
Why is this an inefficient configuration?

A. Storage should be shared by more than two nodes, obtaining an N+1 cluster configuration.
B. Clusters should have at most two nodes.
C. NAS is preferred over SAN for shared storage.
D. NFS is the preferred way to share storage within a cluster.
Correct Answer: A
Which requirement must be met to allow two separate Veritas InfoScale clusters to share a common private heartbeat
network switch?
A. The GAB network IDs must be unique across the clusters.
B. All node IDs must be unique across the clusters.
C. The cluster IDs must be unique across the clusters.
D. All LLT node IDs must be unique across the clusters.
Correct Answer: D
The service group named websg is currently online on the sys3 node. All other nodes are running.
Consider the following partial file:

What happens to the websg service group if the administrator inadvertently shuts down a critical resource outside of the
A. nothing; the FailOverPolicy is Priority
B. it will switch to the sys1 node
C. it will switch to the sys2 node
D. nothing; the service group is frozen
Correct Answer: C
A multi-tier application has Oracle at the first level and WebSphere at the second level, which depends on the Oracle
application. The Oracle and the WebSphere service groups are configured in two separate clusters. The administrator
wants the following fault behavior:
when the Oracle service group faults, the WebSphere service group should stay online.
when the Oracle service group comes back online, the WebSphere service group should be taken offline and brought
back online
Which type of dependency must the administrator configure to acquire the desired behavior?
A. virtual business services with retry type of fault dependency
B. virtual business services with an online global firm dependency
C. virtual business services with a firm type of fault dependency
D. virtual business services with restart type of fault dependency
Correct Answer: D
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